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Últimos Eventos Pasados

VISIONARY Webinar – How to: Increasing producer capacity within local food supply systems

ATTENTION: 11 - 12:30h CET 10 - 11:30h UTC Platform: MS-Teams (you will receive the meeting link upon registration) In today's fast-paced world, the development of robust local food systems faces numerous challenges, including financial constraints, organisational hurdles, and skill deficiencies. Discover the key findings from the VISIONARY project, as we delve into the real […]

Cross-country visit to Romania

Brașov, Romania Brașov

The Cross-Country Visit to Romania aims to contribute to the capacity building of young/early-stage researchers by providing a training workshop to extend technical capacities and an opportunity to learn how to effectively communicate with the policymakers, business sector, farmers and NGOs. The main objective of the CCV is to achieve meaningful stakeholder engagement for better […]

VISIONARY Webinar – Exploring Sustainable Solutions: Public Food Procurement for Local and Organic Food Markets

Platform: MS-Teams (you will receive the meeting link upon registration) Join our upcoming webinar where we'll delve into the practical aspects of promoting local and organic food through public food procurement. Gain insights from the University of Aberdeen's VISIONARY project, which sheds light on the enablers and challenges of sustainable public food procurement. Our expert […]