
Transdisciplinary policy mapping of barriers and interventions for food system sustainability
Report on the generic and specific drivers associated with the policy context This Deliverable 6.1 compiles, analyses and contrasts the outcomes from two tasks of VISIONARYs ‘Science-Policy Interfaces and relationship building’. The two taks ‘Policy and regulatory context mapping’ and ‘Participatory foresight exercises’ ran in parallel and intertwined. The purpose of this analysis is two-fold. First, it aims to feed into the design of the experimental research to be undertaken in the various empirical tasks included in other VISIONARY work packages. Second, it allows for identifying and discussing relevant policy gaps that need to be tackled in the EU and UK policy cycles to come.
7. március 2025
Working paper on drivers and barriers in value chain initiatives for sustainable production and consumption
This working paper on drivers and barriers in value chain initiatives is part of VISIONARY project Milestone 15. This document presents an analysis of drivers and barriers to enabling sustainability innovation in seven agribusiness initiatives in seven partner countries (Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Poland, UK).
7. március 2025
Uptake of plant-based protein products - drivers and barriers
This report presents the findings of a study conducted as part of the VISIONARY project, which explores the challenges and opportunities within European food legume value chains. The study focuses on identifying the barriers that limit the adoption of plant-based proteins, particularly legumes, in Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Spain. It also explores potential strategies and levers to boost the uptake of these products. The key findings highlight the obstacles to adoption and pinpoint leverage points that could drive greater acceptance of legumes in these countries.
2. szeptember 2024
Value Chain Analysis
This report marks a significant step in our exploration of sustainable value chains through detailed case studies, focusing on value chain initiatives and business models. We examine individual case studies across seven partner countries: Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Poland, and the UK. Our analysis employs a practice-based approach to understanding how sustainability is integrated into these value chains. By studying real-world practices within organisations and across supply chains, we gain insights into the connections—both supportive and challenging—that impact sustainability efforts. This perspective sheds new light on the internal dynamics and broader implications of sustainable practices within value chains.
30. április 2024
List of planned dissemination activities
Work Package 1: Engagement, communication, dissemination and exploitation Milestone 1   
30. november 2023
Visionary Project Flyer
Find all key facts about VISIONARY at one glance.
2. október 2024
Analytical Framework
This Analytical Framework will steer the empirical research of the VISIONARY project, with regards to policy interventions, to novel value chain initiatives and business models, and to leverage points in the agri-food systems. The Analytical Framework adopts a novel approach combining two substantially different approaches: quantitative, experimental and behavioural economics on the one hand, and qualitative, comprehensive systems thinking approaches on the other.
3. október 2024
SPI Foresight Workshops 2023
This publication gives an overview of the 16 foresight workshops undertaken in eight European countries with our science policy interfaces (SPI) participants - around 270 stakeholders from the food system, among them farmers, policymakers, scientists, retailers and NGOs. The foresight exercise framed their discussion of some of the most pressing issues of our food systems: agricultural water management, the future of organic food and farming, and the promotion of plant-based products along the value chain.
31. augusztus 2023
Initial Conceptual Framework
This Initial Conceptual Framework assembles VISIONARY’s theoretical and conceptual foundations, explaining the systemic character of the food system and its transitions towards sustainability, the role of food actors’ behavioural factors in conditioning such transition and the interaction between research and policy-making to accelerate. This initial framework sets the foundations for the ‘Empirically grounded Conceptual Framework’ to be released in the summer of 2025. After a preliminary review of the approaches revolving around food system transition towards sustainability and its behavioural dimension (in particular of farmers and consumers), the document focuses on two main domains: ‘behavioural food policies’ and ‘sustainable business models’. Finally, the document deepens into the transdisciplinary approach of the project, based upon the concept and implementation of Science-Policy Interfaces.
3. október 2024