Politikai döntéshozóknak

Ön politikai döntéshozó helyi, regionális, nemzeti vagy európai szinten?
Itt egy pillant alatt megtalálhatja az Ön számára releváns összes információt.


Introducing… FiBL Germany

Introducing… FiBL Germany

The Research Institute for Organic Farming Germany (FiBL Germany) is located in Frankfurt am Main. Founded in 2000, it is one of six FiBL institutions in Europe (Switzerland, Austria, France, Hungary and FiBL Europe in Brussels). FiBL Germany offers scientific...

Cross-country visit to Romania

Cross-country visit to Romania

Connecting food sector stakeholders from across Europe to maximise the real-life impact of our research is at the heart of our work. In this spirit, eight cross-country visits take place throughout the project. HCC, task lead on capacity building for researchers,...



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