The Local Gastronomic Points scheme (LGPs)

The Local Gastronomic Points scheme (LGPs) is a business model based on adding value to products from agricultural households by establishing small-scale, family-type public food establishments. The concept was developed by the Ivan Patzaichin-Mila 23 Association and...

Alternative distribution platforms for locally produced food

TamarGrowLocal is a local initiative that uses the software platform offered by The Open Food Network to connect consumers and producers. TamarGrowLocal ( acts as a local intermediary, giving consumers the chance to buy local and bypass...

Domestic value chain for protein crops for food

This case study seeks to identify the success factors of a Danish value chain providing food legumes grown in Denmark. Legumes for human consumption play a minor role in Danish agriculture. Likewise, legumes play a relatively small role in Danish diets. There is a...

Farmer-Miller-Baker network

Farmer-Miller-Baker network is a database and map that helps the various players in the bread product line get to know each other better, and share their experiences and needs. It supports the value chain from organic grain and flour production to high-quality...
Water Protection Bread

Water Protection Bread

Water Protection Bread is an initiative that incentivises farmers to use less fertiliser in their wheat production, which ultimately contributes to groundwater protection by reducing the risk of nitrates entering drinking water wells. The wheat they produce is...