The transition to organic farming

The transition to organic farming, in order to explore barriers and potential levers to help more farms convert to organic farming. Details to follow

Sustainable milk production in dairy cooperatives

Through the analysis of the experiences of various dairy cooperatives, the aim is to provide knowledge on a number of aspects related to sustainable cooperative milk production: reduction of the carbon footprint of cow’s milk, good animal feeding practices,...

The Local Gastronomic Points scheme (LGPs)

The Local Gastronomic Points scheme (LGPs) is a business model based on adding value to products from agricultural households by establishing small-scale, family-type public food establishments. The concept was developed by the Ivan Patzaichin-Mila 23 Association and...

Alternative distribution platforms for locally produced food

TamarGrowLocal is a local initiative that uses the software platform offered by The Open Food Network to connect consumers and producers. TamarGrowLocal ( acts as a local intermediary, giving consumers the chance to buy local and bypass...